Minutes February ll, l999 The regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on Thursday, February ll, l999 at the Rural History Museum in King Ferry. Present: Supervisor Pecher; Councilmembers Fessenden, Myers, Patchen, Smith; Highway Superintendent Powers, Water Man Dave Reeves; Clerk Pat Burgman. Also present, Don Slocum, Donna and Francis Mitchell, Donald Potter, Richard Harrison. The meeting came to order at 7:45 p.m. with the Pledge to the Flag. Minutes of the January meeting were read by the Clerk. Motion for passage was made by Smith; Myers second; 5 Aye votes. Don Slocum talked on building code enforcement. Nothing new but he urged us on behalf of the committee to continue making every effort for equal enforcement. Richard Harrison has expressed questions on the Supervisor's Report. Francis Mitchell made a presentation to clarify what the report's structure is and how the document fits the needs, as to information required by New York State. He showed the Board specifics of budget layout and how to use it to gain needed information. Question and answer session. Fran, who serves ad the town's bookkeeper, was thanked for clearing this up. Dave Powers presented the highway report. They've been mainly workings in snow and ice. During the January thaw, some "washing" had occurred mainly on County Line Hill road at the east end by Preston Wilson's, as well as a little on Clearview at King Ferry Station. Dave comments that County Line Hill Road is not wide enough to get two decent ditches and a road surface; too narrow even to work the ditcher safely. Bid Salmon Creek again went across the pumphouse property causing slight damage to Maple St. Ext., this should be remedied when the berm is in place. The men have been working on trucks, the utility trailer, etc. Dave's beginning his work-up on the salt storage building but is having difficulty contacting people. Dave asked to the Board to consider declaring a quantity of steel as "surplus" and would like to seek bids on thismaterial. Ken Patchen moved that this be done, second by Smith; 5 Aye votes. The Clerk is to advertise for bids to be in Powers' hands by March 8, l999 for opening at the March Board Meeting. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS: Powers is gathering figures for a 72 x 80 building of the style discussed earlier. The 12" x 8' wall will need to be engineered to suit our needs; blacktopping is planned for the floor and apron. That portion of construction will be around $21888. and another $3100 to enclose the north wall. Installation of the superstructure will be around $11400. Total cost of the bulding w/o floor $75738.; floor $13000. These are estimates only and fine tuning will of course be done as more information is gathered. Plans will need an engineer's seal. Motion to proceed with the bulding was made by Patchen; second by Smith; 5 Aye votes. The Clerk's January report was given. Lorie Fessenden motioned for approval; second by Myers; 5 Aye votes. The Supervisor's Report for Decmber was reviewed and audited. Motion for acceptance by Smith; second by Patchen; 5 Aye votes. Don Potter, on Water Acquisition: a meeting was held in January and agreement was made to pursue the county supply aspect. Springport and Ledyard are also interested in bringing water southward and the county has agreed to study this. Two meetings will be held on this at the King Ferry Firehouse on 2/24/99, afternoon and evening. It will probably be approached as a "water pooling" concept, where each entity would be able to add supply as needed from their resources, however this is not yet certain. Also Don has agreed to act as alternate delegate to the Cayuga Lake Watershed Committee in the event Don Franklin is unable to attend. This was done on a motion from Patchen; second by Myers; 5 Aye votes. COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED: Report from Homesite on l998 activities and an offer to review the town's utility bills (by an outside firm) to see if they could save us money. Accepted both, no action taken. The Board made official the appointment of Scott J. Snyder as Assessor for the Town of Genoa, effective l/l/99 to 9/30/01. Motion for this was made by Patchen; second by Myers; 5 Aye votes. Mr. Snyder has been well received by the Townspeople. Dave Reeves reports that he'd read meters on February lst and everything went well. A few leaks were fixed. Usage, around 70000 per day. RECORDS, COMMUNICATIONS, PROGRAMS: Lorie spoke with Kathy Hughes on the 99 swim program, which Kathy will lead for 99 (she indicated that after that, she would no longer do so). Cathy Murray will lead the actual poolside program this year. Lorie reports that she has applied for a grant which would include a computer and printer for use in indexing the Town's minutes. Expect a June response. On the method for phones for Town Officials, no action taken; tabled til March. She passed around proposed WEBSITE information. We are to review this and get back to her by February l5th. Everyone is anxious to have the minutes of monthly meeting available on the site and we're working on it. CODES AND LOCAL LAWS: currently working on a different way of handling. Life Safety's contract may not be renewed. Perhaps we can get some person for one full day per week, working toward a more user-friendly way of enforcing our rules. Until this is firm, we need to have Life Safety and John asked for permission to have them hired ona month-by-month basis untill the decision is made to renew or replace. On 9ll, Hans got no answers from Auburn on the new numbering system. The Board will put off signing the contract with them until clarification is received. The bills were reviewed and audited by the Board. One from former assessor Musson was rejected because he was a salaried town officer during the period of the claim. Those included for review were G-8 to G-29 for $3301.51; H-9 to H-17 for $1449.57 and WO-6 to WO-10 for $1232.12. Myers made the motion that bills be apid and any budget adjustments be made as necessary; second by Fessenden; 5 Aye votes. There being no further business, motion for adjournments at l0:30 was made by Smith; second by Myers; 5 Aye votes. Minutes by: Clerk Burgman |