March 11, 1999

The regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on Wednesday, March ll, l999 at the Genoa Firehouse. Officers present: Supervisor Pecher; Councilmembers Patchen, Myers, Smith and Fessenden; Highway Superintendent Powers; Water Man Reeves; Clerk Pat Burgman. Also present, Don Slocum and Rick Phytila. The meeting came to order ath 7:45 p.m. with the Pladge to the Flag.

February's minutes were presented by the Clerk. Myers made the motion for approval; second by Smith; 5 Aye votes.

Dave Powers gave his highway report. Frank and Al have been patching some roads where possible. They had a safety meeting at the Genoa firehouse on 2/23/99 with approx. 50 attendees from ll of the southern towns. Men have been busy with plowing and sanding. Dave got hold of the engineer who's working up wall specifications for the salt storage building... his work will be around $800, taking us through the bidding process. He's like to have this phase of the construction approved at the April meeting, tho the engineer is a bit behind on getting the design work done. The Board, on a motion from Patchn, second by Smith, authorized Powers to proceed for advertising if the engineer's materials are done earlier. Dave also took his pickup to Walters in Groton to have the shift mechanism looked at, as it had been giving trouble.

The bids for the surplus steel were opened; 2 received: Bill Tracy - $100 Elkendale Farms - $333. Elkendale Farms was awarded the bid. Motion to accept by Fessenden; second by Myers; 5 Aye votes.

Water Report: Reeves said usage is currently between 73- and 74000 galoons per day. Two leaks were found, McLaughlin's and in a trailer that was unoccupied; these were repaired.

Smith and Pecher attended the committee meeting on water supply. The county is very interested in the project. Another meeting will be held in April at Springport to entertain further discussion.

The Clerk's report for February was given. Smith made the motion for acceptance; second by Patchen; 5 Aye votes. The Supervisor's January report was reviewed and audited. Motion to accept by Fessenden; second by Smith; 5 Aye votes.

A brief review of the 911 situation was given by the Supervisor. Tabled.

RECORDS, COMMUNICATIONS, PROGRAMS: Allen Weaver and Pat will be getting together on 3/l4 to work on getting the minutes on the WEBSITE. Cathy Murray will definitely be the poolside director for the Swim Program 99. It will begin 7/5/99 and run for one month. Cathy is arranging for the pool and bus committment from the school. Nedd to work on the salary breakdown, which Cathy and Lorie will handle for the Board to review. Nothing new to report on records management.

CODES AND LOCAL LAWS: still working on a potential replacement for Life Safety.

The Clerk is to send a letter to the Weeks family advising that the McKane violations are being attended to. They came to court to answer the summons at Justice Conner's on Tuesday 3/9/99. The case has been postponed for one month. On Local Law #2, still looking at revisions and will continue to work on this.

The Cayuga County Bicentennial Parade will be held on June 12, l999. towns, schools, etc are invited to be a part of it. Lorie suggested this might be a project the Historical Assn. would like to be involved in. Some dollars may be available for funding.

A report from the Assessor indicates that about 75% of the folks who were eligble for the STAR program have applied for this tax relief.

ADULT ENTERTAINMENT: we've had a request that the Board consider rules governing such activities in our Town. Discussion. Perhaps a six-month moratorium should be in effect while we consider the the subject of Adult Entertainment. Fessenden made the motion that we pursue such a moratorium; second by Patchen; 5 Aye votes.

The bills were presented for audit and consideration as to necessary budgetary adjustments. These included: G-30 to G-46 for $6673.25; H-19 to H-34 for $l0300.l5 and WO-11 to WO-18 for $36l9.49. Fessenden made the motion that the bills be paid as presented, adjustments made as necessary; second by Smith; 5 Aye votes.

There being no further business, Max Smith motioned for adjournmentst at 9:00 p.m.; second by Patchen; 5 Aye votes.

Minutes by Clerk Burgman