April 8, 1999

The regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on Thursday, April 8, l999 at the Rural History building and came to order at 7:37 p.m. Officers present: Supervisor Pecher; Councilmembers Smith, Fessenden, Myers, Patchen; Highway Superintendent Powers; Waterman Reeves; Clerk Burgman (late arrival). Guests: Don Slocum, Richard Harrison, Gene Reynolds, Richard Miller (Cayuga County 911), Carol Radcliffe, Scott Shaw, Ray Dyer. Opening with the Pledge to the Flag and Don Slocum was asked to take minutes until the Clerk arrived.

Dick Miller, of 911, talked about the history of the county-wide numbering of structures. The 911 database was developed to make addressing appropriate to a structure, rather than a tax parcel and the process has been carried out in 21 of the 23 towns. Using the technology of the GPS system is primary, he feels, to prepare a system ready for the next generation. Town of Sennett is also doing numbering on their own. Genoa would need to use maps and tools that the county requires, should they do their own numbering. How this works and the time constraints are important. Hans Pecher asked what legal basis there is ... will Genoa's fire calls be answered? Miller explained the county's position of this subject, talked about problems in other areas of the state. Cayuga Co. 911 wants a multi-layered GPS system for future use and he strongly feels this is the proper approach and that Genoa needs to make a decision soon. Hans requested a copy of the county's enabling law be sen to him. Numbering changes are made on the basis of 35' and he stated some of the problems that could be expected if the numbers aren't changed from the current layout. Discussion followed and Mr. Miller was asked how many numbers were in question in our town... 59. Input from all present indicates there are things that need to be addressed before Genoa "signs on". We will re-visit the subject at the May meeting.

Clerk's Note - thanks to Don Slocum for filling in.

Ray Dyer spoke of cable concerns. He will be buying his father's share of the Southern Cayuga County Cable Co. and form an LLC with his mother in the near future. He asked if the Board was acceptable to this change in the company's status. Max Smith made the motion, second by Myers that this action be approved. 5 Aye votes. Ray also pointed out that Locke township has had a lot of changes relative to 911 and they're on reconciling these.

Powers' Highway Report. Someone is interested in purchasing the old storage truck box at the old recycle site. The Board put a price of $100 on it and hopefully it will be gone. Feels we are probably finished with snow work for the year and have taken the equipment off. They are cleaning up the I-H and the box is being repainted. Thresher is hauling stone for summer work. Reeves has been scraping the gravel roads and finds them very dry. The county and the highway superintendents met to begin work on a plowing agreement for the 99-2000 winter; in the same regard we won't receive this years' compensation til the State settles with the County, probably in May.

The Clerk read her report for March. Motion for accptance by Fessenden; second by Smith; 5 Aye Votes. The minutes of the March meeting were then reviewed. Smith made the motion for approval; second by Fessenden; 5 Aye Votes.

Carol Radcliffe thanked the men for the winter services. Questioned why ther is so much loose stone appearing in everyone's yards. Dave said he'd check.

This is an option for using prisoners from the County jail for general labor such as street cleaning, cemeteries, etc. John Myers made the motion, seconded by Max Smith that Genoa sign an inter-municipal agreement allowing this to be done. 5 Aye votes.

Powers presented the details on our 72 x 80 salt storage building with the fabric superstructure. We have the sealed engineer's plans ready as well as specifications. Powers asked that he be authozied to seek bids, with the intent of receiving them on May 12, l999. Smith made the motion that this be done, with bid opening to occur at 8:00 pm. on that date; seconded by Patchen; 5 aye votes.

CODES AND LOCAL LAWS: Myers. McKane has until April 28th to finish cleaning up according to his citation; currently about 3/4ths done. John asked for input on what we are looking for in a replacement code officer. In looking at changes to the local laws regarding construction etc, Bill Mayer gave some samples for review and recommended that we pen an entirely NEW law. The Board feels that they'd rather amend the laws already on the books. Continuing work on this.

Adult Entertainment is a subject facing many towns at present. No new information has been received to address our concerns and this will be tabled til May. We are pursuing a legal moratorium which would require a Public Hearing. If things line up on time, the Clerk will advertise this. This made a motion by Patchen; second by Myers. Vote: 4 Ayes, Myers opposed.

The Supervisor's Report for February was reviewed as presented. Myers made the approval motion; second by Patchen; 5 aye votes.

PROGRAMS, COMMUNICATIONS: Fessenden. There are a few openings left to be filled on swimming personnel and the group is still working on the allotment of funds for this; Lorie should have a firm picture in May. One Archival Grant finishes in June, at which time we hope to hear of the new one being awarded. Lorie asks the Clerk to send thanks to Allen Weaver for assistance in setting up the Town's Website.

Reeves reported that water usage was up early in the month but has now settled back to the 75- to 80,000 range daily. Otherwise, everything quiet.

There will be another meeting on water ascquisition for the Southern end of the county. This to be held in Springport Tuesday, April ll, l999 at 7:00... all are invited.

The Supervisor requested permission to bill the Contract holders in Water for their annual "in lieu of taxes" assessments, including a note as to current conditions in the district, as to possible shortages this summer. Motion for this was made by Myers; second by Patchen; 5 aye votes. Smith also made the motion if payments are not received in 120 days, that the contracts be terminated; Fessenden second; 5 aye votes.

The Board comments that the landfill space is looking very nice and is well-maintained. The men are to be commended for their work.

SAVAR of Cayuga County requested funds to support their on-going protective work. The Board declined to participate.

The bills were presented for audit. These included: G-47 to G-57 for $3736.93; H-35 to H-54 for $2917.43 and WO-19 to WO-24 for $1136.99. Patchen made the motion that the bills be paid as presented and that any budgetary adjustments be made as needed; second by Smith; 5 Aye votes.

On the berm at the water site, Bruce Natoli and Hans will be meeting to sign the necessary documents on Friday the 9th.

There being no further business, Smith made the motion for adjournment at l0:00 p.m.; second by Patchen; 5 Aye votes.

Minutes by Slocum and Burgman