May 12, l999

The regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on Wednesday, May 12, l999 at the Genoa Firehouse. Those officers present were: Supervisor Pecher; Councilmen Max Smith, John Myers, Ken Patchen, Lorie Fessended; Highway Superintendent Dave Powers and Clerk Pat Burgman. Guests present: Richard Pyhtila, Doug Patchen, Dale Parker, Dale Mangan, Joseph Chadwick, Carol Radcliffe, Don Potter, Gene Reynolds, Fran Mitchell, Roger and Virginia Conner, Richard Harrison, Richard Miller and Doug Staley. The meeting came to order at 7:35 with the Pledge to the flag.

The clerk read the minutes of the April meeting. Motion for acceptance by Patchen, second by Smith. 5 Aye votes.

Rick Pyhtila showed pictures of a structure built across from him wherein he objects to its placement. Placement is not in accordance with town set aside rules, it's too close to the road. John Myers (Code Enforcement) responded that Life Safety has requested that Mrs. Guy submit and up-to-date survey on this property and we'll proceed from there. Rick submitted several documents for the Board to look at, but we are leaving resolution of this problem to the code enforcement officer, who is actively pursuing this.

Dale Parker announced that in the next two weeks, there be a Republican committee meeting to interview interested canadidates for the fall election as well as a general meeting for republicans in the town.

Joe Chadwick spoke of dog problems he´s having and asked if there is a leash law in the town. No. 4-5 dogs run loose all the time he reports. John Myers said he would get with the Dog Control Officer to try and resolve this.

Hans had brought maps of 911 access points for informational purposes. Mr. Miller, represnting 911 again addressed the house numbering problems in our town. He felt the maps displayed might not be the most up-to-date ones available, showing recent corrections, as they are working on it constantly to update the information as necessary. He abstained from commenting on the ongoing correspondence between the county attorney and our supervisor, suggesting that perhaps our attorney and theirs might get together. The 59 properties in questions that are not correctly numbered in the town's view are the sticking point. Mr. Miller maintains that the GPS is the most accurate locator, better and more accurate than the grid the town has established. The county is seeking a Resolution from the town as to our decision on the ultimate reponsibility for numbering, as outlined by their attorney. The town has accepted the number changes on Rtes. 90, 34 and 34B where they join other towns even tho there are wide changes in current numbers. On the ones in question (59-60) plus 30 to 40 properties actually missing from the numbering system, we object. Much discussion regarding ultimate liability and the emergency service's ability to locate people regardless of the final numbering process. Dick Miller will get with the county attorney once again and get back to us.

Rich Harrison asked if all agreed we NEED 9ll... yes. Other towns have acceeded to the county´s plan, why not Genoa. He feels the board is in error and is nit-picking. Mr. Miller said Niles and Moravia are holdouts also and have a problem with the proposed contract language with the county, regarding who is responsible for sign placement and maintainance for designated roads. That language, plus the ultimate "review authority" for the permanent numbers is where the problem lies. Hans read the inter-municipal description from the Town Law Manual, on road naming etc and asked that Mr. Miller have the county attorney address this law. The whole subject will be re-visited.

Don Potter reported on the search for a water supply for Southern Cayuga County. Some preliminary figures were postulated of around $20 million either for brining water south from Auburn or up from Cayuga Lake. The next meeting they hope to have firmer estimates and an idea as to available grants to be sought. This will be June 2 at the Ledyard Town Barn at 7:00. Hans said an individual from Cato had contacted him who is willing to come down and do a water search for us. More to come on this

The bid opening for the salt storage building was done at 8:3l p.m Only one bid was recieved from Murphy Bros. This was $43780 for the retaining wall, $45626 to furnish and install the superstructure. This is about $9000 over budget. The floor will be another $5000. We need to talk to the engineer and check it thoroughly. $89,406.00 is the toal Murphy Bros. bid. Dave will follow up with them and the engineer and get back to the Board at a Special Meeting to be held May 26, l99 at 8:00 p.m. at the Genoa Firehouse.

The Clerk gave her report for April. Max Smith made the motion for approval; second Ken Patchen; 5 aye votes. The Supervisor's Report for March was reviewed and audited. Ken Patchen made the motion for acceptance; second by Smith; 5 aye votes.

Roger Conner reports that a federal grant was given to the county to enhance the handling of Orders of Protection, which will link all the towns together via computer. The equipment will be provided but it cannot be in a private home. Discussion of placement of the justice´s equipment in the Rural History building and it seems feasible. Lorie is working with Roger on it. This will be a temporary solution and we need to begin thinking ahead toward a stand-alone town office building, perhaps in 2001.

Doug Staley came to review our relationship with his company in view of increasing their presense in the town if their contract is renewed. New Codes are going to be coming into effect shortly and adjustments will have to be made. Contract discussion. John myers said the bottom line is we need more hours of representation in the town; fee schedule should be changed; getting the clerk out of the loop; l-6 are the hours desired, one day a week minimum. Tabled til June.

Highway Report: The men have hauled stone from Canoga to our stockpile for use in summer projects. Elser has been patching and they have put in several driveways. Dug ditch on Center Rd. from Indian Field road west to Creek Rd. on the north side - removing brush as they went. Ditching also on Creek Rd. from Center to Mayo for one of the approved projects, brush and trees removed as they went. Cut down high shoulders in some places on Hill, Creek and Maple St. Helped Venice chip and Ledyard pave. Dave himself had worked two days getting things together for the Parlett lawsuit; l0 years of day books, minutes from 85-95 where Hill Rd. came under discussion; and other info requested by the attorneys. Bruce Natoli is putting the finishing touches on the plan for the berm at the pumphouse site.

Dave also reported on water concerns, in Dave Reeves´ absense. They are working on a process, as required by law, of getting information to customers when needed regarding the status of the town's water supply. In the event of any problems, we must inform customers efficiently. Average usage has beenup around l00000 gallons per day.

Lorie reports there are 6 instructors and 2 alternates lined up for the swim program this summer. Director Kathy Murray wishes to get advertising and registration going fairly soon. Complete details as to names, salaries etc. to follow. Also there's interest in an enhanced youth program in addition to swimming. The county bicentennial parade is coming up and the town plans a float. We will work the the GHA on this and agree to spend no more than $500. Motion that this be done was made by Patchen; second by Smith; 5 aye votes.

The bills were presented for audit and consideration as to budgetary adjustments. These included G-58 to G-72 for $3210.59; H-55 to H-70 for $16231.03 and WO-25 to WO-33 for $l588.74. John Myers made the motion the bills be paid and budget adjustments made as necessary; second by Lorie Fessenden; 5 aye votes.

On adult entertainment.. Staley spoke to this, citing experience in other towns he works with. They at Life Safety have copies of other local laws formulated around the area, if we are interested. We need to review the moratorium and will contact Locke´s attorney Mr. Baker to see if he might handle this process for us, as he did for Locke. Hans will get with Mr. Baker.

The Cayuga Lake Watershed Agreement Resolution was read by the Supervisor. Ken Patchen made the motion that the Resolution be placed in effect; second by Smith; 5 aye votes.

Scott Snyder, Assessor, reports that he processed 469 STAR exemptions. It was a good effort and he feels that and everything else is working well for him.

The snow plowing contract for l999-2000 is ready for signing and Dave Powers recommends that we do this. Myers made the motion that the Supervisor be authorized to sign the contract on behalf of the town; second by Smith; 5 aye votes.

The liquor authority has stated that when a premise comes up for renewal of their license, a building inspection must be completed as part of the process. Staley´s office will advise when this has actually been accomplished.

There being no further business, motion for adjournment was made at l0:l5 by Smith; second by Patchen; 5 aye votes.

minutes by: Patricia A. Burgman