August 4, l999

A special meeting of the Genoa Town Board was called for August 4, l999, to dicuss the water supply situation. Those present: Supervisor Pecher; Councilpersons Smith, Patchen Fessenden and Myers; Water man Dave Reeves and Clerk Pat Burgman. Guests included: Ronnie Marshall, Richard Harrison, Dale Sellen, Don Potter, Dale Parker and William Hunt. The meeting commenced at 8:00 p.m. with the Pledge to the Flag.

Discussion centered around the proposition to drill a well at the pumphouse site, one of the likely locations determined by the hydrogeolist hired earlier. The cost for developing and drilling at this site would be $21,225. Additional costs would be necessary for engineering, pumps, chlorinator, piping and electrical. The estimate stands at approximately a total of $40000. for the completed job. There will also be lab tests to determine potability. The town - working under a declared state of emergency and the bidding process will be waived, mostly due to time considerations. The question is, what will this do the current producing wells at the site. The hydrogeologist assures it will have NO effect as the static levels are different. Next question, can we afford this? Hans says there is a ’cushion’ of about $50000 in the water funds for any such emergencies or repairs.

If we try to ’tough it out’ we may come to the point where we might have to limit and monitor supplies to each and every meter, something which is covered in the original local laws governing the water system. But there is NO GUARANTEE of results by the pump people.

At base, this is a temporary answer to the immediate problem. We will still need to look for long range solution for the overall township. Councilman Patchen made the motion that we proceed with the installationof the new well; second by Max Smith; 5 aye votes.

A draft was passed out by the Supervisor of some suggested rate schedule adjusts which the board is to consider for the August meeting. The base price of $24.00 would still be minimum, but would include 12,000 rather than l6,000 gallons for that price. Those who use between 12,000 and 30,000 may move to being charged $3.00 per thousand when the minimum is exceeded. Those using above 30,000 would be at the rate of $4.00 per thousand. We will try and firm this into a definite proposal by the August regular meeting. In the meantime, the word should be spread that an increase is coming.

The Presbyterian Church in King Ferry has asked for a meter to be placed separately in their fellowship hall. This would be a changing installation, not a new one, since the hall is currently served through piping from the manse. However, this line between has deteriorated til thereis large water loss and the meter change is to address this problem.

There being no further items to discuss, Max Smith made the motion for adjournments at 9:10 p.m., second by Patchen. Adjourned.

Minutes by Clerk Pat Burgman