October 13, 1999

The regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at the Records Building in King Ferry. Officers present: Supervisor Pecher; Councilpersons Patchen, Smith, Myers, Fessenden; Highway Superintendent Dave Powers; Water man Dave Reeves; Clerk Pat Burgman. Guests: Dana Mandel, Donald Potter, Karen Shields, James Baker, Kathy Hughes, Rick Phytila, Eric Hanson. The meeting came to order at 8:40 p.m. with the Pledge to the Flag.

Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted on a motion from Ken Patchen; second by Lorie Fessenden; 5 Aye votes.

Attorney James Baker delivered the copies to the board of a draft of a Reivsed Locoal Law #2 which incorporates the changes suggested by the committee and after lengthy discussion at prior meetings. Review was held. Ken Patchen made the motion that a public hearing be held on this revisions, at 8:00 p.m. on October 27 in King Ferry. Second: Max Smith. 5 Aye votes and the Clerk is to advertise this special meeting.

Dana Mandel spoke on the adult entertainment committee, of which he is a part. He fully supports the attempts to initiate rules and regulations for these types of business. He asked what time frame we're looking at and there is no constriction, just take the time and do it well. Jeff Kopp, as chair, has information they can work from and we will encourage people to write concerning their opinions, feeling public support would be most helpful. At some point, perhaps the committee may meet with counterparts in Locke as they've already been through this process. As of this evening, Kathy Hughes will also be a part of the committee studying adult entertainment concerns.

Rick Phytila asked about progress on the Guy property problem. John Myers explained that the paper trail is continuing at its own pace. Each side has an attorney representing its interests.

Mr. Hanson, the hydrogeologist who developed our new well spoke on that process. DOH approval will take about 40 days to complete and we need to get the design work done for the permanent record. We hope to install the permanent piping in 4-5 weeks, as soon as the cable comes in; at that time the electrical will be done also. A variable speed pump is strongly advised and Hans gave approval for this to be figured in the installation; approx. $2000. Discussion of future needs for the town and waht our approach whould be. We do have choices, Auburn, the Lake, Bolton Point - all 3 about $l to $l.5 million, and the possibility of developing a town source. There are negatives: costs and the shallow aquifer we have. Utimately the lake would be most certain and probably the most expensive. A study of drought history should allow the formulation of reasonable plans for the future. The Salmon Creek aquifer is extensive but not continuous and it's a matter of finding pockets of sand and gravel near enough to utilize. At the time we were drilling, there was about 3 weeks' supply left in the prsent "pocket". At present, Mr. Hanson says the system is doing what we need and he's not conerned for the supply and he does feel we are in good shape for at least the next year. He was asked if accepting new customers would be a problem as he saw it and he said economics would dictate that. If we do consider this, we might want to think of charginga connection fee or similiar method, to build a fund for future expansion needs. He wouldn't be afraid to accept new people on that basis. The Bower site, Mr. Hanson feels should be tested for capacity so we know what's actually there. Such exploration would run about $l0- to $l5000. He also feels we should think in terms of a "designated life span" of any wells we may have and plan around that, say 20 years and plan accordingly for future budget needs. As to the problems over long term, calcium carbonate slowly builds up in the screens and shorten the useful life of a given well. He recommends re-placing the current wells, moving and redeveloping close to the present locations. Asked if we should be looking at enlarging our well site area, he said not really. Control of upstream property is something we don't have. Control could be improved through zoning perhaps. Mr Hanson was thanked for his presentation. There is a need to complete the Environmental Impact Statement which Hans has. John Myers made the motion the Supervisor be authorized to complete the document in a timely manner; second by Lorie Fessenden; 5 aye votes.

PROGRAMS AND COMMUNICATIONS - Fessenden. The SCCS pool is going to be undergoing repairs in summer 2000, so we are looking toward using the Wells College pool instead; she's working on that. Lorie's been meeting with the Adult Entertainment committee and working on that. She needs a computer to continue to index the minutes of town meetings. The Board discussed this and placed a limit of $l500 for this purpose. Motion to this effect made by Myers; second by Patchen; 4 aye votes; Fessenden abstaining. Permission is sought for Paul Mitchell to use the Town's scanner as he works to put Town Laws on the website. Permission granted.

Discussion on the Preliminary Budget. John Myers feels strongly that Dave Powers' salary should increase to $34000; Lorie concurred but felt that this should remain at this level for a 2-year period. Othere items in the document were also reviewed. Ken Patchen made the motion a Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budget be held on October 27, concurrent with the special meeting on Local Law #2. John Myers seconded this; 5 aye votes.

Dave Powers presented his highway report. They placed seal coat on Lane Road - one coat of oil and stone. Helped Venice haul gravel to Booth Road and East Venice Road so they could grind it in. He reports drains have been placed around the perimeter of the salt stoage building and the blacktop floor is done and the building filled with winter supply of road treatment. Venice and Ledyard helped us haul cinders from Milliken. Moravia's crew helped on blacktop hauling and running the paver. All told, there is about 2200 tons of material now under storage. Dave did attend the highway confernece at the Nevele and found it very informative. Dave Reeves has been grading roads and Al Elser mowing roadsides. The men have started on South Bartnick, changing cross culverts etc. Hopefully the weather will hold so they can place the fabric and gravel.

Water report: the static level of well 2A is now up to ll ft, from the l8.5 experienced during the drought. While usage was at 96000 daily in September, it's now dropped to around 69000. Dave Reeves handed out the water quality report to all meter holders and overall, things are running quite smoothly just now.

The bills were presented for audit and for consideration of any necessary budgetary adjustments. These included: G-137 to G-155 for $28622.77; H-120 to H-132 FOR $29789.47 and WO-74 to WO-90 for $44488.26. Myers mationed that the bills be paid as presented and adjustments made where necessary; second by Patchen; 5 aye votes.

The Clerk's Report for September was given. Motion for approval by Lorie Fessenden; second by Myers; 5 aye votes. A review of the Supervisor's Report for August was done; motion for acceptance was by Patchen; second by Fessenden; 5 aye votes.

CODE ENFORCEMENT - Myers. Follow-up by the judge isn't happening where violation orders are presented, consequently enforcement of local laws and codes falls flat and the system does not work the way it's supposed to. He points out we need to betaking a close look at this.

It is time to consider the town's insurance for the year 2000, NYMIR through the Dempsey Agency most likely. They strongly suggest, in today's litiginous world, we consider adding an additional million to our umbrella police for $943.00 premium; this would bring our insurance total to $l3603.ll for the year. Fessenden made the motion that we undertake this insurance coverage for year 2000; second by Myers; 5 Aye votes.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at l0:l5 on a motion from Patchen; second by Fessenden; 5 aye votes

Minutes by Patricia Burgman