October 27, 1999

A special meeting was held on Wednesday, October 27, 1999 at the Repository Building in King Ferry. Officers present: Supervisor Hans Pecher; Councilpersons Lorie Fessenden, John Myers, Max Smith and Kenton Patchen; Clerk Pat Burgman. Guests: Sue Bowers, Don Slocum, Gene Reynolds, Jack Grant, Dale Parker. The meeting came to order at 8:00 p.m. with the Pledge to the Flag.

As duly advertised, the Supervisor opened this special meeting/Public Hearing(s) on two subject matters: Local Law #2 of l999 and the Budget for Fiscal 2000. All present were invited to discuss with subject, comments welcomed.

The Supervisor proposed that we move the regular monthly board meeting for November to the l0th, instead of the usual Wednesday after election, to allow more time for invoices to be submitted. The Public Hearing this evening satisfies the requirement that such a session be held no later than the Thursday following the General Election. At the November l0th meeting, the 2000 budget will be fomally enacted.

Budget discussions were held and some minor changes made.

Local Law #2 of l999, for amending the Mobile Home Park Law... Don Slocum was asked if he felt that the board had adddressed all the concerns of the advisory committee. Missing he felt was some approach to general subdivions of any type, but since this would part of Local Law #l (lot size and set-asides) we had not gotten into considering subdivisions at this time. Jack Grant asked about permit fees in the amended law and it was explained that Permitting a new Park would be $300 plus $30/per unit. For existing park expansion, $30.00/unit. Some additional discussion held.

The two public hearings closed at 9:00 p.m. On a motion from Ken Patchen, seconded by Lorie Fessenden, Local Law #2 of l999, amending the Mobile Home Law was adopted. 5 Aye votes. On Budget 2000, Hans will incorporate the suggested changes to the budget and finalize the tax rates, so as to have it ready for passage on the l0th. A raise for David Powers to $34000.00 per year is included, which is to remain for a two-year period.

Donald Slocum's committe that has worked diligently on the local law, was thanked for their service and a letter to the committee members: Don, Marilyn Paradise, Sue Bower and Gene Reynolds, will be sent.

Max Smith made the motion for adjournment at 9:20 p.m., second by Ken Patchen. 4 Aye Votes

Minutes by Patricia Burgman.