November 10, 1999

The regular meeting for the Genoa Town Board was held November 10, l999 at the Firehouse, Genoa NY. Officers present: Supervisor Pecher; Council Members Fessenden, Smith, Patchen and Myers;Highway Super. Dave Powers; Water Man Dave Reeves; Clerk Pat Burgman. Guests: Dick Welch, William and Michael Heary, Ron Marshall, Rick Phytila, Karen Shields, Donald Slocum and Gene Reynolds. The meeting came to order at 7:35 p.m. with the Pledge to the Flag.

In response to a question from Rick Phytila, it is reported that the Guy variance matter is in the hands of the Town Justice, awaiting further action (John Myers).

Changes requested to the minutes of the October 13th meeting: commenced at 7:40 p.m. (not 8:40) and the cost of water systems would by $20 million for the proposals of using the lake or coming south from Auburn; $l to $l.5 million for the Bolton Point proposal. Max Smith made the motion that the minutes be approved, as amended; second by Patchen; 5 Aye votes.

Dave Powers presented his highway report. The men fixed some shoulders on Mahaney Road. They have been working on Bartnick, south of 5 Corners, putting down filter fabric and approx. one foot of gravel. They had help from Venice, Moravia, Niles and Ledyard on this project. Still there are some driveways to be put in, and about 600 ft on the north end of that stretch of road in the spring. They used Venice's roller as ours gave out. Al Elser has been mowing roadsides. In return for Venice's help, we hauled gravel to East Venice and Booth Roads.

The roller had started clattering and the County took it to Caskey's for us. The motor is out of it and the crank is being sent out to see it it's repairable as a new one would be about $4200 and that may not be ALL the problem. Dave's waiting for more information on it.

Other highway concerns: Ken Patchen. at one time we were talking of a fence on the east side of the highway garage property, a distance of 5l3' from Rte. 90 our pin and about another 223 going east to west. About a year ago, the price quotes were $7728 and $7995 for a 6' high chain link. Are we still wanting to do this project?

Records, Programs and Communication: Lorie Fessenden. Lorie had to tried to work ahead to secure the Wells College pool for the summer swim program in 2000 and it seems okay, but she will stay on top of it. SCCS's pool will be undergoing repairs. She had two quotes from Gateway for the records computers and when the decision is made, it will come COD to Hans. She reports the website now has the Town's water quality report on it and soon the local laws will be there also.

Buildings and Grounds: Max Smith. Nothing new, other than that the new storage building receives positive comments as a nice addition to town property and it's good to have the winter materials under cover.

The Hearys came before the board to ask for consideration of their mobile home park receiving town water. Their request is attached. They understand that even tho we got thru this past drought, there could be another and then he feels everyone, including themselves, would have to face that possibility. They would tuck water in, in the event of a shortfall. Hans explained that, because of the position DEC has taken recently, there would have to be a legal extension set up which would cover an area a full 400' either side of Route 34 for that mile. It would require an 8" main. Bill said he'd re-work to the cost estimates for installation and is still interested. He needs to know how the rest of the people in the area would feel about it. Action: tabled.

Insurance has now been placed on the salt storage building, $110 for the coverage.

911: The powers that be in the county want to pass a law requiring all properties have their numbers posted on the buildings, or be in violation. The matter is pending.

Water Report: the meters were read and all went well. Aveage daily usage is at 7l,000 gallons. The static level is up l0 from September. All telemetry is not working at the pumphouse as the wires between the pumphouse and the Genoa tank are not transmitting. One set of the wires on to the King Ferry tower is also not functioning. Dave has asked the phone company to give us a quote on making the necessary repairs. A radio-controlled system would be about $l700. installed. For right now, the important things is to get the Genoa tank at least, on telemetry and then work on long-term solution for the entire system. The men are still working on the permanent installation of the new well site.

The Clerk's Report for October was given. John Myers made the motion for acceptance; second by Patchen; 5 Aye votes. The Supervisor's Report for Sept. was reviewed and audited and Patchen made the motion for apporoval; second by Fessenden: 5 Aye votes.

The bills were presented for payment and consideration as to any necessary budget adjustments. Included were G-155 to G-170 for $3523.64; H-133 to H-141 for $66133.87 and WO-91 to WO-93 for $688.68. Patchen made the motion the bills be paid and necessary budget adjustments made; second by Fessenden; 5 Aye votes.

A report was given from David Constable of the State DOT as regard the sidewalks that would be placed in conjunction with the bridge replacement in Genoa. These will run from Lisa Signor's house to Maple St. on the north side of the highway and from Jeff Jordan's to Academy St. on the south side. Once they are inplace, it's up to the town to maintain and repair them.

On Adult Entertainment. Hans had a call from Jeff Kopp asking that we expedite the passage of such a law, his preference being before the end of the year. Our attorney felt this would be tight timewise, but could possibly be done. Hans asked, do we continue? Lorie: yes; Max: yes; Ken: yes; John: yes, but do it a measured pace and do it right the first time. We still have three months to go on the moratorium.

Ken showed an ad for training newly-elected officials which will be held in early December. He made the motion that the fees be reimbursed to enable these new officials to attend. Second by Fessenden; 5 aye votes.

The budget was revisited and a few final changes and adjustments explained by the Budget Officer. John Myers made the motion we adopt the budget as amended; second by Patchen. Voice vote: Patchen, Aye; Myers, Aye; Smith, Aye; Fessenden, Aye; Pecher, Aye. The 2000 budget was duly adopted.

There being no further business, Max Smith made the motion for adjournment at 9:35 p.m.; second by Patchen; 5 Aye votes.

Minutes by Pat Burgman