Minutes December 8, 1999 The regular monthly meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on Wednesday, December 8, 1999 at the Repository Building in King Ferry. Present: Supervisor Pecher; Council Members Patchen, Fessenden, Myers and Smith; Clerk Pat Burgman; Highway Superintendent Dave Powers; Water Man Dave Reeves. Guests: Dale Prker, Rick Phytila, Rich Harrison, Dale Sellen, Ron Marshall, Donald Slocum, Gene Reynolds and Karen Shields. The meeting came to order at 7:50 p.m. with the Pledge to the Flag. Rick Phytila had called Roger Conner and he he had nothing to do with the Guy appeals matter that Rick is concerned about. He feels he's not getting anywhere with this and indicated he will be hiring an attorney to represent his interests in the case and he intends to publish some letter in the papers about this. Hans updated the case, stating they have received a citation and their and our attorneys are working together to resolve it. It is really out of the town's hands at this point, but we asked for his patience. Dale Parker indicates that in his recent campaign visits with citizens, many express the need for a speed limit for the hamlet of Genoa, wishing a 35 instead of 45 mph zone through the congested area. As well, people speak about Lake Road for the same reason. Then, the intersection with Lake Road and Rte. 90 needs a study for safety purposes. The Clerk is to draft letters to the appropriate authorities asking for reviews of these situations, on a motion from Ken Patchen; second by John Myers; 5 aye votes. Mr. Parker indicates that the publicized law exacting penalties for those not posting 911 addresses has not come before the County Legislature as yet, and may not. On the Indian Land Claim, the next meeting on this will be the coming Tuesday, between Cayuga and Seneca County parties, an executive session. RECORDS, COMMUNICATIONS, PROGRAMS... Lorie Fessenden. She has talked to Roger Conner about the computer coming to him, for the Justice Office, from the county and he will be complying with this directive for use with restraining orders, etc. The county will be paying for this and his training, and it will be housed in his home office. She hasn't yet been able to firm up the use of the Wells College pool for the summer 2000 swim program, but the lake front can be used as a final option. Her computer and software (in the 99 budget) will be coming shortly. CODES, LOCAL LAWS...John Myers. All is quiet for the moment. The Chadwick case came before Conner and is settled. He'd like to have Ross Tisci updates our appeals procedure, ours are not current and perhpas Gene Reynolds could work with him on this. It might prove valuable to be current in case other challenges arise. John Myers made a motion that this update be done, second by Patchen; 5 aye votes. This would include updating our records-keeping processes and fine tuning procedures. The minutes of the November meeting were read and amended. Fessenden made the motion they be accepted as amended; second by Smith; 5 Aye votes. Dave Powers gave his highway report. He'd sent in the paperwork for CHOPS reimbursement on ll/l5 and this money should be coming to us around 12/l5. He's getting together info on the state bid for a pickup and it looks as though this will be under $30000. He was given permission to go ahead and order one suitable to his needs. Ken Patchen made the motion the order for the pickup be placed ASAP; Smith second; 5 Aye votes. Dave reports a portion of Indian Field Roadside is deteriorating - not necessarily from proximity to the creek - but that we may have to relocate the road slightly to the west to get away from its influence, probably 30 to 40 feet. On the roller: the crank cannot be fixed at all, it's worn out. Caskey's are looking for used parts and are still working on it. Ken Patchen... HIGHWAY COMMITTEE. Took newly elected officers on a road tour to show them what's out there. Other highway activities include helping Venice haul gravel to Booth Road and to our Weeks Road & County Line Hill Rd. Themen finished up the rip-rap at the pumphouse creek bank and are trying to finish with the berm (off and on as time permits). The new slide-in sander is here and in the Freightliner, which also has new rear tires. The plow equiment is on the trucks and grader, and they've had some snow work so far. Dave checked on the computerized parts of the 95 l0-Wheeler and the other equipment and we seem to be okay on them, to meet Y2K challenges. On Adult Entertainment (Lorie). Jeff Kopp had called and she advised them to get the ball rolling at the committee level, by contacting other towns with experience on this. The moratorium ends in February and if this law is to be enacted, work need to be done. Dave Reeves on water: our usage is right around 78,000 per day just now. NO telemetry is working, making a daily manual check essential. He needs to get with Bell Atlantic and see about piggy-backing their cables. The price for radio-controlled telemetry is so high that he's looking for other possible solutions. The new well is under cover and ready to be connected, following the Health Dept. inspection - they saw no problems. As to flushing the entire system, he's been looking at it but is waiting for the Rural Water Assn. rep to come in January and get his input and recommendations. Bob McLaughlin is seeking a new hoopup for an additional trailer placed on his Maple St.property. We will not have to buy a moveable fuel tank because Ernie Sheils has one we can use in the Y2K emergency materializes. A new recorder for the flow meter at a cost of around $l500. Also on water, the Clerk reports that Hud has taken over on the Susan Backner property following her bankruptcy and some effort will be made to try and recopu water monies. Dale Sellen asked if the town will be letting the Heary's have town water for their new trailer park. Hans indicated that he'd have to form an independent water district and then petition the town for water, most likely a very costly solution. If such a petition were forthcoming, it would be up to the board sitting at that time, to say yea or nay to the proposition. The Clerk gave her November report. Max Smith motion for acceptance, second by Fessenden; 5 aye votes. The October Supervisor's Report was reviewed and audited. Ken Patchen made the motion for approval; second by Myers; 5 aye votes. The bills were presented for payment and/or budget adjustment consideration. These included: G-171 to G-182 for $2713.40; H-142 to H-158 for $l4593.80 and WO-94 to WO-102 for $4050.37. Max Smith questioned the repair bills (2) for repair of the Repository Building outside light. It seems two different people had been contacted and he was upset by the costs. John Myers made the motion the bills be paid and adjstments made as required; second by Fessenden; 5 Aye votes. There will be a special year-end meeting held on Monday, December 27, l999 to finish out the payment of later bills and whatever else comes up. It will be at 8:00 p.m. in King Ferry and the Clerkis to publicize this. There being no further business, Max made the motion for adjournment at 9:5 p.m.; second by Patchen; 5 aye votes. Minutes by Pat Burgman |