
December 27, 1999

The special year-end town board meeting, as duly advertised, was held on Monday, December 27, 1999 at the Repository Building in King Ferry. Present: Supervisor Pecher; Council Members Smith, Patchen, Myers, and Fessenden; Clerk Pat Burgman; Highway Superintendent Dave Powers; Water Man Dave Reeves. Guests: Alma Smith, Donna Mitchell, Karen Shields, Grayson Mitchell, Ron Marshall, Don Slucum, Gordon Cummings, Barbara Patchen, Larry Bell, Dick Green, Paul Mitchell, Larry Reynolds, Fran Mitchell, Dale Parker, Staley Mead, Mark Mead, Donna Mitchell, Ursula Bartnik, and Robin Collier. The meeting came to order at 8:10 p.m. with the Pledge to the Flag.

Dale Parker reports that the 2000 census is coming up and they are shorthanded for people to do the work. The pay is $11 - $13 per hour and mileage and it lasts about 3 weeks. They are encouraging people to apply in their own localities, for better coverage. Training begins shortly. Dave Powers gave a year-end highway report. The men hauled 10 more loads of clay from John Myer's location to finish up the bern at the pumphouse. Dave ordered a 1-ton Dodge pickup on the state bid, with a price of $29362.80. The men cut some brush on Weeks Road, which didn't necessarily please everyone! They are putting new brakes on the Ford turck, including new drums in the back. Some work in snow from time to time. He had heard back on the roller repairs. Caskey's came up with a re-built crankshaft. If we repair, the costs plus the crank are for 6 piston liner kits, a connecting rod, main and rod bearings, 6 injectors and a gasket set, oil and filters etc. Total price with labor will be somewhere around $8300. He had looked about used rollers and one would be $20000 and up if we go that route. No decision made.

Water Report. Usage is at 60000 per day right now. The tlemetry to the Genoa tower was hooked up on 12/24 so it's now filling automatically. The flow meter is still to come in. Bell Atlantic's telemetry costs will be about $500 for each installation, plus $27 per month per town for the service. In effect, we will be "renting" the telephone company's lines on this.

Letters in response to the Clerk's request for traffic surveys were not especially positive. It does not seem that much will be done in the near future, but the Board wants to keep the pressure on to see if the Town's needs can be met. The following Resolution was proposed by Max Smith; second by Patchen.

WHEREAS the Town of Genoa experiences heavy truck traffic due to the proximity to the major salt-supplying company in the region and AGS Cayuga Power Plant.

WHEREAS the Town of Genoa is a rural, primarily farming community located in the Southern part of Cayuga County, containing three major "feeder" state highways, and

WHEREAS State Route 90 has recently been declared a "Scenic Byway" in the state of New York, resulting in an increase of tourist travel, and

WHEREAS certain congested areas are deemed by the Town of Genoa to currently carry speed limits not consistent with the general highway usage,

BY IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Genoa shall seek relief from the governing authorities in the following instances:
  1. State Route 90 East, through the hamlet of Genoa. The Town seeks to establish an area speed zone. Currently the intersecting side streets are designated at 30 mph, while State Route 90 is designated as 45 mph. The Town seeks a reduction to at least 35 mph in that current 45 mph zone. Hamlet has 6 intersecting streets.
  2. County Road, known as Lake Road, between State Highway 90 and the Tompkins-Cayuga County Line. The town seeks a reduction from 55 mph to 45 mph.
  3. The intersection between Lake Road and State Route 90 (see #2 above) does not conform to the standards of a safe intersection (i.e. a 90 degree turn) but rather has limited sight distance to the east. A traffic study will be sought in this instance.
On medical insurance, new rates are supposed to be forthcoming, but not available yet. Since premiums need to be paid, the Supervisor will forward moneys at the old rate until such time as an update occurs.

Fessenden reports the new Gateway computer she ordered will cost $76 more than budgeted. Myersmotioned that the extra $76 be expended; 5 aye votes. The billing is included in tonight's warrant.

The bills were presented for audited and consideration as to budgetary adjustments. These included: G-184 to G-196 for $3644.26; H-159 to H-172 for $3976.63 and WO-103 to WO-109 for $26462.45. Ken Patchen made the motion that the bills be paid and budget adjustments made as necessary; second by Max Smith; 5 aye votes.

Thanks was expressed to the retiring town officials for their (76 cumulative) years of service. Max Smith, Hans Pecher and Pat Burgman end their service on December 3l, 1999.

There being no further business, Max Smith made the motion for adjournment at 9:00 p.m.; second by Ken Patchen; 5 aye votes. The newly constituted Board will meet on January 12,2000 in Genoa.

Minutes by Pat Burgman

Addenda: Following the board meeting, those present enjoyed a reception in honor of their departing fellows. Placques were given to the three retirees and light refreshments were served. A very nice evening...