REGULAR MEETING OF THE GENOA TOWN BOARD, MARCH 8, 2000 A regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held March 8, 2000 at 7:30 P.M. at the Genoa Fire House. Route 90, Genoa, NY with the following members present: PRESENT: Supervisor Richard Harrison Councilman Kenton Patchen Councilmen Ronald Marshall Councilperson Lorie Fessenden Councilman John Myers OTHERS PRESENT: Karen Shields, town clerk/collector, David Powers, Highway superintendent, Donald Slocum, Eugene Reynolds, Donald Potter, Louis DeLapp, Richard Pytilla, Joseph Chadwick, David Reeves, Hans Pecher, Jeff Kopp, Brent Chisey, Blanch Volbrecht, James Baker, Town Lawyer. There were no additions to the agenda. The minutes of February 9, 2000 were approved. Motion to approve by Fessenden 2nd by Marshall 5 ayes The clerks report for January 12, 2000, February 9, 2000 and March 8, 2000 were approved. Motion by Marshall to accept January 12, 2000 2nd by Fessenden 5 ayes Motion by Fessenden to accept February 9, 2000 2nd by Patchen 5 ayes Motion by Patchen to accept December 1999 2nd by Fessenden 5 ayes Supervisors Report: Supervisor Harrison explained why income was down. This was due to not receiving tax revenue until February. Motion to accept by Marshall 2nd by Patchen 5 ayes Highway Report: Superintendent Powers reported they had had a lot of snow and ice removal, put up road signs, patched roads and fixed equipment. Powers presented the Genoa Town Board with the expenditures For the year 2000. He supplied list of possible roads to be done this summer. Motions to accept by Patcen 2nd by Marchall 5 ayes Water Report: Average water usage was 60,000 gallons per day. Need to put bid out for new lawn mower. Reeves are going to try to flush water main the week of March 27 thru March 31st. He will let everyone know in the shopper exactly when. Flushing could cause cloudiness. The water will be perfectly safe. Any questions call the Cayuga County Department of Health. MTEB has been a concern if it is our water or not. Every water system in the county has been tested and there is none in this county. Well pump #4 is hooked up and has been flushed. We are waiting for the Health Department to test in early April. Chemical (Methodize Chloride) that showed in new well just showed up in old well. This could be from drilling new well. Reeves are keeping a close watch on it and will retest. Cross connection law was approached a few years ago. Some farmers have put pressure valves to prevent contamination form returning into the water supply. Discussed backflow protectors in homes with boiler heating systems. Town of Locke, Moravia and Lansing all have this protection. Code Enforcement: Myers would like to see code enforcement done by an employee of the Town of Genoa. We would like to finalize the contract with Life Safety and move on to a different program. Motion made by Myers 2nd by Patchen 5 ayes. Swim Program: Fessenden is still working on next summer's program. Board discussed the need for a permanent town hall. We need to get input from other towns in the surrounding area. Marshall will research this project. Dog Enumerator: Joe Chadwick, with the Boards approval, would like to be considered as dog warden. Motion made by Patchen 2nd by Fessenden 5 ayes Sara/Peggie Program sponsored by the Cayuga County Planning Board has contacted us for new equipment at no charge. We will give a letter of acceptance with the stipulation that we will only keep the update to the web page and the Internet. Motion by Fessenden 2nd by Patchen 5 ayes Motion to adjourn at 9:25. 2nd by Marshall 5 ayes. At 8:00 the Open Meeting for the Adult Entertainment Law. Mr. Baker was present with final draft. The board reviewed it. Motion to close Public Meeting at 8:30 by Patchen 2nd by Myers 5 ayes Local Law #1 of 2000 was voted on. Motion by Marshall 2nd by Fessenden 5 ayes Local Law was approved 3-8-2000 and will be sealed and copies returned to Board Members. |