OCTOBER 11, 2000


A Regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on October 11, 2000 at the GHA Building, Rt. 34B, King Ferry, NY 13081.

Supervisor Richard Harrison
Councilman Ronald Marshall
Councilman Kenton Patchen
Councilperson Lorie Fessenden
Deputy Code Enforcement Officer Donald Slocum
Water Controller David Reeves
Town Clerk Karen Shields
Variance Board Chairman Eugene Reynolds
Highway Superintendent David Powers

Councilman John Myers

OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Pyhtila, Joe Redder, and Hans Pecher

The minutes from September 13, 2000 were approved Motion by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
4 ayes

Clerks report was read and approved. Motion by Patchen
2nd by Fessenden
4 ayes

Building and Grounds

Ronald Marshall reported that GHA would like to have the inside of the GHA conference room painted and rug shampooed. Lorie suggested we get some estimates on this before the next meeting. The board decided we should contact the lawyer to make a purchase offer of $20,000.00 to Mable Newton for the property for the new town hall. The size of the property will leave room for possible recreations fields for ball games, etc. Motion by Fessenden
2nd by Patchen
4 ayes

Programs and Grants

Marilyn Mann will work on the grant for work to be done in the records room. This should be in by February 1, 2001.

Highway Report David Powers reported the highway department helped Venice haul material to Landon road for a few days. They finished up gravel on Whipple Road. Working on Ditches and driveways now. Albert is patching and mowing. We're getting in some salt and going to start hauling cinders form Miliken next week. Motion by Kenton
2nd Marshall
4 ayes

Water Report

David Reeves reported 79,000 gallons used last month and 60,000 this month. He commented he was afraid to say that everything is working well at the water site.

Water Committee.

Donald Potter presented a report on meetings with Bolton Point. The Water Committee will meet on October 12, 2000. There is no new news and they will be reviewing the progress of our recommendations to the County Board at the March meeting along with a few other items. One question which we feel should be discussed by the Town Board at this time is the Meter pit located on the Kopp residence which goes to Roy Tuttle, Alan Bradley and John Shaw. It appears to be completely covered and will be hard to read when winter comes.

Code Enforcement.

Wayne Smith gave a complete accounting of his activities for the town for the month of September 2000.

Supervisors Report Motion by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
4 ayes

Old Business

Still checking on a more economical resource for electricity for the town. Only found one company that handles Municipalities. That is with Advantage. We could save approximately $1871.41 a year. Ron will contact NYSEG to trim the tree on the left side of the street across from the Kings Ferry Hotel. Kenton will contact the DOT. This streetlight is completely covered and hinders light to show through. Ron will get in touch with AES NYSEG to get a quote from them.

Landfill closure papers are in. Transportation contract for Gadabout transportation has been submitted. We will continue for the year 2001. The County Engineer Report on flood control was received. They gave us a description of a debris catcher. This would be put in the deep ditch by Fox Farm and have to be kept cleaned. It will be quite expensive to construct.

Motion by Lorie
2nd by Marshall
4 ayes

Bills were approved Motion by Marshall
2nd by Fessenden
4 ayes

Motion to adjourn at 8"50 pm by Marshall
2nd by Fessenden
4 ayes