NOVEMBER 8, 2000


A Regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on November 8, 2000 at the GHA Building, Rt. 34B, King Ferry, NY 13081.

Supervisor Richard Harrison
Councilman Ronald Marshall
Councilman Kenton Patchen
Councilperson Lorie Fessenden
Deputy Code Enforcement Officer Donald Slocum
Town Clerk Karen Shields
Councilman John Myers
Highway Superintendent David Powers
Variance Board Chairman Eugene Reynolds

Water Controller David Reeves

OTHERS PRESENT: Joseph Wargo, Kenneth Manzari, and Hans Pecher.

The following changes were made to the October 11, 2000 minutes: The board voted to accept the annual preliminary budget. The minutes from October 11, 2000 were approved.

Motion by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
5 ayes

Programs and Grants

There was nothing new at this time.

Highway Report.

They have been ditching on Whipple road. We have our supply of cinders for the winter hauled in and mixed in the new salt storage building. Ledyard loaded them for us and Venice helped haul them. We hauled some sand for Venice.

Crane Tree Service took down a tree for us on Stevens Street, one on Pine Hollow Road on the bank and did some bucket trim work on Green Road for us.

With the help of Venice, Moravia, Niles and Ledyard, we have the gravel down along with Geo Textile fabric, on Green Road. Still needs edge work and ditching. All cross culverts were changed. We put a skim of gravel on 3 sections or Weeks Road where it washed earlier this year. One day helped Niles put down some gravel and fabric. Getting stuff ready for winter. Al's mowing. I did call State DOT the day after the last meeting about trimming the trees around the streetlights in King Ferry. I ended up leaving a message on their answering machine. Never heard back from them.

Water Report

David Reeves was out of town for this meeting. The Cayuga County Water Committee will meet by the middle of November 2000.

Clerks Report Clerks report was read and approved.

Motion by Fessenden
2nd by Marshall
5 ayes

Proposed new electrical rates that have been worked on most of this year have not yet been completed. We have still not gotten any word from NYSEG. Papers have all been filed on the Landfill Closure and we are waiting for the money. Possibly $42,900.00 should be received. Workman Compensation auditor will let us know about our credit on the premium. He has made a new review of our audit given previously because it included overtime hours that are not to be included in the audit in full.

Reviewed 2001 Budget. There were 2 other changes. A1620.24 was raised $30,000.00 and A9901.9 was eliminated. DA5030 was reduced $30,000.

James Baker presented copies of the purchase offer for Mabel Travis to Hans Pecher who is representing Mabel in this transaction. Hans requested there be two changes. He wanted the way the land will be paid for on the purchase offer and also that the town pays for the surveying.

Motion to sign by Myers
2nd by Patchen
5 ayes

Building and Grounds:

Joe Phillips will paint the inside of the meeting room at the GHA building. We have to be sure he has insurance. Ron will take care of this.

Motion to accept by Myers
2nd by Fessenden
5 ayes

Approval of bills:

Motion to approve by Patchen
2nd by Myers
5 ayes

Budget Meeting closed at 9:20
Motion by Fessenden
2nd by Myers
5 ayes

Budget Meeting was closed
Motion by Patchen
2nd Marshall
5 ayes

Motion to adjourn regular meeting at 9:24 pm
Motion by Marshall
2nd by Patchen
5 ayes

Karen Shields
Town Clerk