A Regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on December 13, 2000 at the GHA
Building, Rt. 34B, King Ferry, NY 13081.
Meeting was brought to order at 7:30 pm.
Supervisor Richard Harrison
Councilman Ronald Marshall
Councilman Kenton Patchen
Water Controller David Reeves
Town Clerk Karen Shields
Councilman John Myers
Councilperson Lorie Fessenden
Highway Superintendent David Powers
Rick Pyhtilla, Kenneth Manzari, Donald Potter, Dale Parker,and Hans Pecher.
Addition to Agenda
Legislator Dale Parker was present to ask about the situation on roads that might need
repairs in the year 2001 in our town. He also gave us an explanation on the Aurelius
water contamination problem.
Minutes from November 8, 2000 were approved.
Motion by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
3 ayes
Clerks report was read and approved
Motion by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
3 ayes
Building and Grounds:
Purchase offer received and signed from Mabel Newton for property on Bartnick Road.
Painting is in progress inside GHA building. Carpet will be cleaned after painting is
completed. Still getting bids on carpet cleaning. Motion to get bids was approved.
Discussion about the New Building will be at a later date.
Motion by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
3 ayes
Programs and Grants
Not much going on everything is pretty quiet at present.
Highway Report.
David Powers and Jim Bailey attended a daylong seminar on Municipal Tort liability at
Cornell University. Put on by the Cornell Local Roads Program. It was good but scary.
We hauled gravel from Moravia to Ledyard for two days to stockpile. Mainly worked on
snow and ice. Checking signs and
putting up some new ones. Had a session with Tuesdays wind. Trees-wires-branches-light
poles-telephone poles. The worst damage was on Pine Hollow Road.
DOT refused request for speed limit to be reduced in the town to 35 mph.
Water Report.
David Reeves reported everything is working well. Not too many problems. Average 55,000
per day in November. Flushed out end of line last month. Nowhere near the residue as
last time.
County water committee met December 12, 2000 at the GHA building. Not much to report
meeting was short.
Town Board will have another meeting for the end of the year business on December 27th,
2000 at 7:30 in the GHA Building on RT 34B, King Ferry.
SBA Communications asked for permission to install tower on Sharptsteen Road on the
Eldred Property. Supervisor Harrison asked them to furnish performance bond, and that
when they are done with the tower to remove it.
Motion to approve by Marshall
2nd by Patchen
3 ayes
Supervisors Report.
Money for the dump closing should be in by end of 2000 year.
Motion to approve by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
3 ayes
Approved Bills
Motion by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
3 ayes
Electric rate proposal. Motion to remain with current electrical company.
Adjourn at 8:50 pm
Motion by Marshall
2nd by Patchen
3 ayes
Everyone have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,
You snow birds could send some warm weather.
Karen Shields