JANUARY 10, 2001


A Regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on January 10, 2001 at the Genoa Fire House, NY 13071.

Meeting was brought to order at 7:30 pm.

Supervisor Richard Harrison
Councilman Ronald Marshall
Councilman Kenton Patchen
Councilman John Myers
Councilperson Lorie Fessenden
Water Controller David Reeves
Town Clerk Karen Shields
Highway Superintendent David Powers



There were no additions to Agenda

There were no additions or corrections to the December 13, 2000 Minutes.

Motion to approve by Marshall
2nd by Fessenden
5 ayes

No additions to December 27, 2000 Minutes.

Motion made by Fessenden
2nd by Patchen
5 ayes

Approved Clerks report

Motion by Fessenden
2nd by Marshall
5 ayes

Building and Grounds

Approved a check to lawyer for the retainage requirementof the purchase offer to Mabel Newton. For property purchased for New Town Hall.

Ron Marshall reported the painting of the inside of the Historical building Has been completed. Joe Philip has done a beautiful job. The carpets will be cleaned on January 22, 2001.

Programs and Grants

Lorie Fessenden reported Marilyn Mann and Phil Donovan would try to get Grant In by February 1, 2001 for the alarm system and Micro Filming of Documents by February 1, 2001.

Highway Report

David Powers reported they were plowing snow. Need to do new 2001 Highway Agreement.

Code Enforcement

Material presented to Board Members, Supervisor, and Eugene Reynolds from Rick Pythilia's Lawyer. Board feels we have got the situation taken care of. Any further action should be between Rick and Ross Tischi

Water Report

Everything going pretty well. Contacted Rural Water Committee. Meeting 1-11-01 at Genoa Fire House Will have answers for size of pipe to go under bridge after that meeting.

Supervisors Report

Report for 11-30-00

Motion to approve by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
5 ayes

Report for 12-13-00

Motion to approve by Patchen
2nd Marshall
5 ayes

Motion to pay bills by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
5 ayes

Old Business June 11, 2000 Storm Reports are enclosed.

Workman's Comp Insurance quote is considerably less.

New Business

Dog Control information is due by February 2001.

Verification, Appointments and Resolutions.

1. No new elected officers. 2. Appointments same as last year.

Approve nine new positions

Motion by Patchen
2nd Myers
5 ayes

Motion to raise Councilmen wages to $1000.00 from $600.00 was voted down
Ayes 4
Nay 1

Motion to accept section #1 thru #4 under Officers and Employees

Motion by Marshall
2nd by Myers
5 ayes

Motion to accept #5-9 as amended
Motion by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
5 ayes

Town and Fiscal Report

Motion to accept #1 thru #10
Motion by Patchen
2nd by Myers
5 ayes

Motion by Myers to adjourn 9:00
2nd by Marshall
5 ayes