FEBRUARY 14, 2001


A Regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on February 14, 2001 at the GHA Building, RT 34B,King Ferry, NY 13081.

Meeting was brought to order at 7:30 pm.

Supervisor Richard Harrison
Councilman Ronald Marshall
Councilman Kenton Patchen
Councilperson Lorie Fessenden
Water Controller David Reeves
Town Clerk Karen Shields
Highway Superintendent David Powers

Councilman John Myers

Joe Redder. Richard Welch, Carl Collier, Hans Pecher, Donald Slocum, and Joseph Wargo.

There were additions to Agenda.

Hans Pecher had addition to agenda. Annual report for Ethics Committee Kenton had a report on Meeting at Town Barn with employees.

There were additions and corrections to the January 10, 2001 Minutes. Lorie was concerned minutes are not explicite enough and there should be more information.

Clerks Report

Motion To Approve by Patchen
2nd by Fessenden
4 ayes

Building and Grounds

Property has been surveyed for Town Hall. Richard Welch installed new batteries in fire alarms at the GHA building.

Programs and Grants

Lorie is not sure if Grant went in for fire alarm system in GHA building. Will check with Cindy DeLapp. Richard Harrison will prepare the Youth Program Report for 2001.

Highway Report

Have been patching and working on Weeks Road. Repaired roller that set in old barn. Hose broke and let oil all over. When highway mileage certification was done this fall three sections of road were eliminated. If these Roads are in the inventory they will have to be maintained and passable.

In June of last year we proposed to the County to make a swap with tow roads in the Town of Genoa. The County attorney recommended we have a referendem from Town Board to John Oslin at Cayuga County for permission to swap last mile of Lake Road with first mile of Clearview Road. Town Board of Genoa gave Richard Harrison permission to sign referendem. Cayuga County will be responsible for maintenance of the entire Lake Road.

Motion by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
4 ayes

Kenton met with Town Employees at Town Barn. Because of increase in health insurance the Board decided with a 1% increase to begin with payroll #4.

Motion by Patchen
2nd by Fessenden
4 ayes

Richard Welch reported on why it is important that the Town have a Revised Town Law for Dog Control. He suggested we have a public hearing in the near future.

Motion by Patchen
2nd by Fessenden
4 ayes

Water Report

David Reeves reported that everything is working good. The average water use for the month of January was 59,000 gallons each day.

Code Enforcement

Eugene Reynolds has tendered his resignation as Clerk for Varriance Committee. We all apreciate the work Gene has done. He has spent many hours in a very thankless job.

Supervisors Report

Motion to approve by Parchen
2nd by Marshall
4 ayes

Motion to approve the Bills
Mtion by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
4 ayes

The Pyhtilla appeal. Ross Tishi endicated his approach and it is enclosed with the minutes.

Code Enforcement actually has no more to do with this. See Section 12 #2 in the Code Laws for explanation. The board will sigh memorandum of understanding.

Motion to sigh by Patchen
2nd by Marshall
4 ayes

The Board approved for David Reeves to go to New York Rural Water Association Meeting at a cost of $85.00 for registration fee.

Motion to approve by Marshall
2nd by Patchen
4 ayes

Highway Agreement
General repairs $70,000.00 for 43.41 miles. Improvements to reconstruct Mayo road $50,000.00, Bradley Street, add 600 ton crushed material to surface and grind in place to stabilize it. Green Road has to be finished. Whipple Road finish double surface and treatment. $14,000.00. Indian Field Road south need to be moved over.

Motion to approve Highway Report by Marshall
2nd by Patchen
4 ayes

Bridge on Blakley Road and 2 Bridges on Creek Road in Genoa to be repainted. Approval of Board to continue with Bridge Painting Project.

Motion by Fessenden
2nd Marshall
4 ayes

Hans Pecher was concerned with the Town charging $2.00 to Mortgage Companies that do not send in the proper Tax Stubs with their escrow payments. The Town Clerk has to submit the proper stub with her tapes and checks to the County Treasurer. If the stubs do not come with payment there is a lot of time involved in copies and printing time. This charge will go to the town for time and material. This charge is not concidered a $2.00 charge for a copy. It is a charge for time and material.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 Motion by Marshall
2nd by Fessenden
4 ayes