A Special meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on JULY 18, 2001 at the Genoa Fire House Route 90, Genoa, NY 13071 Special Meeting for Finalization of specs for New Town Hall was brought to order at 7:25 pm. PLEDGE TO THE FLAGPRESENT: OTHERS PRESENTJohn and Marilyn Mann, James Kopp, Kenneth Manzari, Louis DeLapp and James Baker ESQ.John Mann reported that Donald Slocum submitted a list of questions. John answered these questions. Some changes were made after all questions were answered. James Baker took the changes back to his office and would return to clerk's office the next day so we could have them ready for pick up by Friday July 20, 2001. Motion to let bid specs out as amended in the Town Boards Decision and returned by August 10, 2001 by 5:00 pm. Motion by Marshall Motion to schedule Special Board Meeting on August 15, 2001 at 7:30 pm GHA Building, Rt 34B, King Ferry, NY 13081. This meeting will be to open, consider and possible accept Bids for New Town Hall. Motion by Marshall Motion to publish public notice of Bids in Citizen and Republican Register.Motion by Slocum Motion to adjourn at 8:35Motion by Marshall |