July 14, 2004

A Regular meeting of the Genoa Town Board was held on July 14, 2004 at the Genoa Town Hall 1000 Bartnick Road, Genoa, New York 13071.

The Meeting was called to order at 7:49 P.M.

Salute To the Flag

Supervisor Stuart Underwood
Councilman Dale Sellen
Councilman Kenneth Manzari
Councilman Cheryl Shields
Councilperson Lorie Fessenden
Town Clerk Karen Shields
Deputy Clerk Brenda Tyrrell
Highway Superintendent Frank Sellen


Water Controller David Reeves


Joe Redder, Donald Potter, Hans Pecher and Robert Thompson.

MINUTES 6-09-2004

Motion to accept by Sellen
2nd by Shields
Fessenden aye
Manzari aye
Shields aye
Underwood aye
Sellen aye

CLERKS REPORT 06-30-2004

Motion to accept by Shields
2nd by Fessenden
Fessenden aye
Manzari aye
Shields aye
Underwood aye
Sellen aye




There will be new contracts signed and returned to the Town Hall for each and every one of the water customers. This includes the customers on contract out of the water district. Water committee will review water laws and report to Town Board:

Our committee has revised and discussed the current fees the Water District charges. The fee for installing a water meter and hooking up to the town water service has not changed since the District’s inception. The charge for turning on or off the service has also stayed the same.

The customer is currently only paying $60.00 for a hookup and $5.00 for shut off or turn on of the water service. [the prices arrived at when the Water District was established.]. We feel these charges are outdated and need to be addressed. The expense to the town has grown and fee should better reflect the cost.

In the Genoa-King Ferry Water District the cost to the district for a Typical Residential Water Hook-up includes the following. Meter-$100.00, reducing valve-$60.00, ¼’ turn shutoffs-$10.00and 1 hour labor-$20.00. This totals $190.00.

The cost of the ¾” copper pipe varies with the length to the residence and is always paid by the customer.

Sometimes additional pipeline attachments and work are needed to locate a ¾” hook-up on the water main. This would include. Brass-saddle-$150.00, corp stop-$30.00, curb stop-$30.00 curb box w/stem-$25.00and labor-2hrs [$40.00]. This total is @275.00 plus the residential costs above[$190.00] making the cost $465.00.

If a larger hook, 1”, hook-up is requested the cost would be about $535.00.

If a pre formed Concrete Pit is necessary, They cost about $400.00.

If an underground Road Crossing is necessary it costs about $1,500.00 with labor of 4 hrs. [$80.00]

Our committee purposes that the Town Board changes the following fees for water service:

An ON/OFF service should be $10.00 per call.

A Typical Residential Water Hookup/Installation should be $220.00

A Typical Residential Water Hookup/Installation PLUS additional pipeline attachments and work necessary to locate ¾” hook-up on the water main should be $500.00

A larger, 1”, Water Hookup/Installation [if approved] should be $600.00

If a formed Concrete Pit is necessary, it must meet water service requirements and will be an additional customer expense, determined at the time of hookup. [Pits are required if pipeline is 100 ft. beyond water mainline.]

If a Road Crossing Installation or other labor/site work is necessary, it will also be an additional customer expense determined at the time of hookup.

The cost of the ¾” copper or comparable polyvinyl pipe necessary to the residence from the water mainline will continue to be a customer expense.

Respectfully, Genoa-King Ferry Water Committee Cheryl Shields,Rick Woodhouse, Mick Piechuta,Mark Osterhoudt and John Mann(chair)

Motion to have Williams Law Book leave program as it as it was in the past.

Motion by Shields
2nd by Manzari
Fessenden aye
Manzari aye
Shields aye
Underwood aye
Sellen aye


Cheryl and Tina Turek chose the bushes for the front of the Town Hall. Cheryl planted them last week end and they look wonderful. Thanks girls. There will be a public meeting for the new repair and maintenance rates for the water line. This will include turn off and turn on as well as repairs and parts.


This was the second week of swim program. Everything is going very well. We average about 90 participants between King Ferry and Genoa. The grant for shelving in the repository room at the town hall has been approved for $3,406.00. We applied for $5,000.00 so the town will make up balance. Lori will bring in the original grant to the next meeting. The computer that the bookkeeper has will be passed down to Brenda and we will be purchasing a new one for him.


Permits Issued June 2004:

David Bates, John Connors, Paul Geri, Tim Walters, John Connor, and Howard Broughton.


Callear, Turek, Laurie’s Place, Brong, Warner, Folts, Brong, Turek, Conner, and Boles.


Finished hauling crusher run stone for East Venice Road(2400 ton). We fixed holes on Lane Road shoulders again. Ponding out from the heavy farm equipment. We also cut shoulders and loaded them, on Lane and Weeks road. Our new truck is back to Stadium IH and is waiting for its turn in the prep shop. Should take delivery sometime next week. Still have to order sander and wing not ordered because of high cost. Cold paved East Venice road, Venice, Ledyard and Moravia helped us until completed. Been working on County Line Hill with the ditcher every chance I've got free. We gained a lot of road surface, least till it gets flooded again. Town of Venice helped us haul a good share of our chipping stone for road surfacing.

Supervisors Report:

June 2004

Motion to accept Fessenden
2nd by Shields aye
Fessenden aye
Manzari aye
Shields aye
Underwood aye
Sellen aye

ASSESSORS REPORT: Kay has been laid up with operations in both her knees. We wish her a speedy recovery. She is doing very well.


The Board made a motion to pay Michaels and Smolak, P.C. $3,000.00 for part of the bill. The balance will be paid after the budget is prepared for 2005 and funds are appropriated for it. Supervisor Underwood read part of the report from Michaels and Smolak, P.C. that explained the amount of the bill. Faced with the pending trial date and the numerous motions to dismiss that were filed, plaintiff settled the case for the sum of $11,000.00 ($8,500.00 paid by the insurance company for Douglas Staley $2,500.00 was payable by the town's insurance carrier). On behalf of Mr. Pecher and Ms. Burgman, individually, no contributions were made.

Funds for the Supervisors special meeting on July 26, 2004 will be transferred from Acct. A7550.4 for $500.00. Butch spoke to Rick Woodhouse about moving polling place from Genoa Fire House to Town Hall. Rick said the commissioners would like to keep it at the Fire House because it has always worked well. We will make a resolution at the July 29, 2004 meeting to move the polling place from King Ferry Fire House to The Genoa Town Hall.

Motion to have special meeting by Shields
2nd by Fessenden
Fessenden aye
Manzari aye
Shields aye
Underwood aye
Sellen aye


Stuart Will call Dempsey insurance to get certificate of insurance for lady’s that are having their yard sale on corner of Town Hall Property on July 31 and August 31, 2004. We will be researching new phone line for the water.

Adjourned at 9:30 pm.

Motion by Shields
2nd by Sellen
Fessenden aye
Manzari aye
Shields aye
Underwood aye
Sellen aye