
The Town of Genoa Comprehensive Plan…the voice of our shared future

A Comprehensive Plan is a document that identifies and incorporates the issues and values that are important to a community.

A Comprehensive Plan, roughly defined, is a document that describes the needs, goals and visions of the citizenry of a town and formulates strategies to meet those visions, needs and goals. The job of the Comprehensive Plan Committee is to identify priorities and interests into a well-developed plan that can be used to guide policy according to those interests. The comprehensive plan, properly created, becomes the most direct route between the inspiration of a community and its local government.

Agriculture is the largest part of Genoa's economy and it accounts for 73% of the Town's land use. This area’s soil is described as some of the most productive and intensively farmed land in New York State. It is important that the Genoa Comprehensive Plan reflects the importance of farming and the input of Genoa residents is vital to that effort.